40K Second Edition Revival

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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby Arendal » Wed May 08, 2013 9:48 pm

Suerte con esa oferta!!

Sea este viernes o el próximo... me permitiré el lujo de preparar un pequeño escenario al estilo de las antiguas White Dwarf. Cuando Warhammer molaba y GW hacía las cosas bien.

Petruuus!! Manifiéstate!!!
Mi propuesta son 1500 puntos por bando.
Marines del Caos vs Fuerzas Imperiales (Petrus llevaría AS y yo una pequeña fuerza de Arbites)

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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby Arendal » Thu May 09, 2013 4:52 pm

Raven... te dejo el enlace a nuestra partida.
Aunque sea una simple prueba del reglamento... hagamos de ella algo grande.
Al fin y al cabo, si algo tenía de genial la añorada Segunda Edición, era que esto no consistía sólo en tirar dados :wink:


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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby ravenzgz » Thu May 09, 2013 6:13 pm

Mola mucho :mrgreen:


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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby Tomy » Thu May 09, 2013 9:56 pm

No estáis solos, me he leído el reglamento y próximamente me leeré el milenio siniestro.
Conforme leo, me doy cuenta más y más de como a cambiado el cuento, caperucita.
Un sa-ludo.
P.D.: Si algún día puedo me pasaría a veros jugar, incluso más adelante, foguearme un poco en el frente.

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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby Arendal » Fri May 10, 2013 8:05 am

La idea de la partida, a grandes rasgos, es la siguiente…

Durante los tres primeros turnos, se produce el enfrentamiento entre la turba enfurecida de acólitos del Caos y las fuerzas del Adeptus Arbites (apenas una pequeña unidad).
Para ello, el bando del Caos contará con todos los puntos que desee destinar a unidades de Acólitos, mientras el bando Imperial contará apenas con 250 puntos para representar al Juez Tybolt y una Patrulla.
La difícil misión de los Arbites consistirá en mantener el asalto impidiendo el acceso a la Magna Plaza, y servirá para explicar un poco las reglas, acostumbrarnos a la secuencia de turno, etc…
En función de si las fuerzas insurgentes consiguen o no romper la línea de los Arbites, el despliegue del resto de las fuerzas tendría unas ventajas u otras…

Pero en el 4º turno llegarán tanto los marines de los Ángeles Sangrientos al mando del Capitán Petrus, como las fuerzas de los Cuervos de la Tempestad.
Los AS tendrán 1250 puntos para organizar su ejército… Mientras que los Cuervos de la Tempestad tendrán 1500 puntos menos los puntos invertidos en las fuerzas de Acólitos del Caos…
Iré desarrollando estas ideas a lo largo de los próximos días, para que el día de la partida esté todo bien claro :wink:

Vamos, que mi intervención será más anecdótica que otra cosa. Así puedo estar echando una mano con las reglas, las cartas, las... En fin, ayudando y aprendiendo :wink:

Pero sugiero que para hablar de la partida usemos el hilo creado para ello

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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby ravenzgz » Sun May 19, 2013 6:01 pm

Por cierto, he encontrado, por si a alguno le interesa, los manuales de Caos y Tiránidos en castellano en muy buena calidad, así como Guardia imperial en inglés en la misma calidad(en la battle bible sale todo, pero siempre mola tener los codex :p).

También tengo el de Caos en Ingles, pero en peor calidad.

Si a alguno os interesa o en el club todavía no los tenéis hablamos.

Un saludo

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Re: 40K Second Edition Revival

Postby Arendal » Mon Jun 24, 2013 3:42 pm

Petrus, he encontrado esta lista de cambios habituales para mejorar el juego...
¿qué te parecen?

Warhammer 40,000 2nd edition players’ revision summary

Introduction: For many gamers, the second edition of Warhammer 40,000 remains the definitive game of squad-level combat in the far future. Rendered obsolete in 1998, it nevertheless retains a considerable and dedicated following.

There is no question that the rules needed changes and clarifications, but the core of the system remains sound. To that end, members of the now-defunct Games Workshop fan site Portent.net offered the following suggestions to speed and improve game play.

While technically “house rules,” these changes are strikingly common and already in use around the world. The purpose of this document is to organize and codify them, making it easier not only for experienced gamers to keep things straight, but also to recruit new players into the One True Edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Frequently Fracked Facts: Except where noted, the written rules published by Games Workshop take precedence. Unfortunately, some of these rules were not always clear and/or were distorted over the years. To that end, we have provided a list of popular misconceptions to help players fully understand the underlying genius of these tragically flawed but ultimately brilliant rules. Items that are marked (FFF) therefore not changes per se, but rather clarifications of things that players regularly got wrong.

1. Core Mechanics

1.1 Measurement: Many players may prefer to allow free measurement. If both opponents agree, this is perfectly acceptable. If it is used, “guess” weapons are placed where desired. The defending player may adjust the template if it targets specific characters/special weapon troopers so long as the same number of models are affected. To hit and/or scatter rolls are then made normally.

2. Movement

2.1 Jump Packs: Jump packs do not roll for scatter. Ork jump packs roll a d6 for each model every time they jump: on a 1, consult the malfunction table in the ork codex.

2.2 Charging (FFF): Models may charge squads they cannot see.

2.3 Transports (FFF): Models in transports may only charge if the transport has not moved. They do NOT count as charging from cover unless the transport itself is in cover.

3. Shooting

3.1 Sustained Fire: Rather than use a 6” radius, sustained fire must be directed at a single squad, vehicle or squadron.

3.2 Distribution of Hits (FFF): Hits flow from front to back, both with templates and direct fire. Thus a grenade or other blast template using direct fire would have to hit visible models at the front of the squad rather than bursting over (unseen) ones in the middle.

3.3 Persistent Weapons: To speed game play, weapons with persistent effects (vortex grenades, plasma cannon) do not remain in effect. The only exception is blind grenades/smoke launchers, which remain in effect (but do not roll for expansion/contraction) until the start of the firing player’s next turn.

3.4 Fire: Flamers, fire-based weapons and similar devices do NOT set models on fire. Models hit by these weapons take damage as normal after which the weapon has no further effect.

3.5 Overwatch Follies (FFF): No rule in the old game is more controversial or subject to being screwed up as Overwatch. Yet it is essential to keeping the game honest and not all that difficult to use. Remember: models on overwatch still follow the normal targeting procedures. The only difference is that it occurs during the opponent’s movement phase. Non-phasing players should be open and honest about who is on overwatch and what they can see. Similarly, phasing players should move their forces confidently and expect them to be shot at if they are in the open. Again, the targeting rules are still in effect, so moving a more protected or expendable unit out in front will, in almost every case, draw overwatch fire away from more valuable targets. Overwatch is the single most realistic aspect of Warhammer 40k. Deal with it.

3.6 Reliable Weapons: Under the normal rules, ballistic template weapons (i.e. battle cannon, frag missiles) that miss must roll scatter. A combination of “Hit/Misfire” results in the weapon hitting the user, an extremely silly (if sometimes entertaining) event. Instead, template weapons that score a “Hit/Misfire” result are considered jammed instead.

4. Close Combat

4.1 Leaving Close Combat (FFF): The rules here are vague and poorly understood. As the rules state, engaged models give their opponents a “free strike” if they wish to leave the combat. Unengaged models (that is, those not in base-to-base), however may disengage without penalty, but must retreat and are counted as BROKEN.

4.2 Squad Cohesion in Close Combat: Because the cohesion rules do not apply in close combat, some players have used the fact that unengaged models may leave close combat without “free strikes” to force attackers to chase them across the board. This runs contrary to logic and the spirit of the game. Therefore, unless unengaged models choose to disengage (and are broken as outlined above), they may not otherwise move away from an enemy engaged in hand to hand combat with their squad.

5. Vehicles

5.1 Transports Are Not Death Traps: Most datafax cards contain damage results that either kill passengers on a simple die roll (usually a 4+) or exterminate them wholesale. This ignores the often considerable amount of armor they are wearing. Therefore, passengers on board a transport that is the datafax indicates are killed (either on a 4+ or “all models on board are killed”) instead make an unmodified armor save. If they pass, they are placed adjacent to the wrecked vehicle.

5.2 Out of Control (FFF): Vehicles that are stationary do not move out of control. Only vehicles that moved during the previous turn must move out of control.

5.3 Taking The Wheel (FFF): If the driver is killed for any reason, the vehicle will still move out of control until another model on board can take over. The earliest this can happen is after the owning player’s next movement phase. Note that 5.2 still applies, so a Leman Russ that did not move in its previous turn that has its driver killed would remain stationary until its next movement phase, when a gunner could take over and drive it.

5.4 Turning Scrap into More Scrap (FFF): Remember that if a vehicle location is destroyed (such as tracks) additional hits to that location have no further effect.

6. Army Lists

6.1 But I Thought Farseers Were Rare: Eldar are not required to take an avatar or farseer as an army commander, nor must Space Marines take Captains. Any character can be the army commander. EXCEPTION: Because of the rigid hierarchy of both armies (for very different reasons) Tyranids and Imperial Guard must use their mandatory commanders.

6.2. Something’s Wrong With the Comlink: The Imperial Guard Codex has players roll a d6 for the “interference” on calling in a barrage with the comlink. This can result in either extremely easy (2+) or almost impossible (6+) artillery support. To make things more consistent no die roll is made. Comlinks will work on a 4+.

7. Wargear

7.1 Virus Weapons: Virus weapons are extremely unbalancing and should not be used.

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